Unstoppable Token Gallery: Dapps, Metaverses and more add rewards to the community


We’re excited to announce the expansion of Unstoppable’s Token Gallery, giving people the opportunity to showcase even more tokens from their favorite dapps, games, and Metaverses.

With new categories including wearables, education, sustainability, games, tickets, DAO votes and prizes, Unstoppable’s Token Gallery allows you to showcase all aspects of your digital life.

In addition to being one of the most requested features for the Unstoppable family, the Token Gallery is a powerful tool for Web3 companies, games, and Metaverses to engage with their communities.

By allowing everyone to display any token from the network on their profile, the Token Gallery is a great way to offer special perks and benefits, such as discounts, rewards, swag, exclusive guest receptions and more.

Web3 is all about community, and tools like this help creators get closer to their fans through rewards and recognition.

Using Unstoppable’s Token Gallery eliminates the drudgery of creating these features from scratch, and apps, games and metaverses are already creating interesting things within these new categories.

Token Gallery Categories


Polygon and Nori, leaders in sustainability, are launching a token in Unstoppable’s Token Gallery that confirms that your NFT purchase is carbon neutral. As climate becomes increasingly important to both consumers and Web3 companies, blockchain assets offer a powerful way to show your commitment to environmental sustainability.

Imagine being invited to an exclusive sustainability event for having a green NFT: with Token Gallery, it’s now possible!

“We are thrilled to collaborate with UD on their new token gallery, which allows anyone who has purchased carbon offsets from Nori to showcase their transparent and verifiable climate action on their web identity3,” said Alexsandra Guerra, co-founder and head of demand at Nori.


Wearables are an important part of Web3, as they enable individual expression and personalization. Wearable pioneers in the Metaverse – DressX, Eyes of Fashion and CryptoChicks – are showcasing their wearable NFTs in the Token Gallery. This opens up new possibilities for rewarding their fashion collectors and loyalists, such as special air drops or access to artists.


With the amount of time and energy people invest in learning new things, it’s clear that educational credentials belong on the blockchain. Miss O’Cool Girls, BitDegree/Learnoverse, Crypto Tech Women and Unstoppable Women of Web3 are among the first Web3 educational platforms to be showcased in the Token Gallery, creating new avenues for students to showcase what they’ve learned and be rewarded for it.

“At Miss O Cool Girls, we are working hard to lower the barrier to entry and make Web3 accessible to girls. The Unstoppable Domains Token Gallery is a really fun way for our community to see their Miss O Cool Girls NFTs, and it’s an amazing opportunity for us to provide girls and their allies with tangible ways to receive perks and rewards based on the NFTs they have and the education courses they’ve completed,” said Juliette Blake, co-founder of Miss O Cool Girls.


Your achievements are part of your digital identity. Now, you can display awards like WoW3 Unstoppable and Metaverse’s Most Inspiring Women and Girls in your Token Gallery, capturing reputation and social proof on the blockchain.


With over 3.2 billion players worldwide, Web3 gaming will be one of the key drivers for increasing blockchain technology adoption. Carry1st is the first platform to showcase their gaming achievements in the Unstoppable Token Gallery. Now, if they want to reward top players, it’s as simple as taking a look in the Gallery.

“The integration of Unstoppable Domains into Play1st, our flagship Web3 gaming product, has allowed us to promote and expand digital identity among our player base and has opened up several product opportunities that we will be introducing in the coming months,” said George Paybe, Head of Web3 Gaming at Carry1st.

DAO Voting

Voting is central to the operation of DAOs. WoW Pixies will use the Token Gallery to display the DAO voting history of its community. DAOs are inseparable from the blockchain, and this will make it easier for them to keep track of their most active and involved members.

Stay tuned for more categories, more ways to leverage rewards, and more ways to connect with your communities.

“One of my favorite parts of working at Unstoppable is building features that benefit our community and partners alike,” said Sandy Carter, SVP and Head of Channel at Unstoppable Domains. “Expanding the Token Gallery and adding this functionality opens up new avenues for Web3 companies to delight their communities and help their users build their digital identities.”

Whether a partner looking to connect with their community or a digital collector ready to showcase their assets, the Token Gallery has something for everyone! Hundreds of dapps have integrated with Unstoppable, and we can’t wait to see how they use the Token Gallery.

Get a free Web3 domain that matches your Twitter username and enable your Token Gallery today.


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