MEET48’s Ambition in the Fan Economy: Breaking Through Web3 Mass Adoption with Entertainment

MEET48’s Ambition in the Fan Economy: Breaking Through Web3 Mass Adoption with Entertainment

The virtual idol industry has seen remarkable transformation since the debut of Hatsune Miku in 2007. What started with synthesized voice technology has since evolved into a thriving space dominated by various models, including Japan’s Hololive and Korea’s PLAVE. Despite the success of the PGC (Professionally Generated Content) model, the introduction of Web3, AI, and UGC (User Generated Content) promises to reshape the future of this industry.

The Evolution of Virtual Idols: From PGC to UGC

Hatsune Miku’s success established the UGC model, encouraging fans to contribute to the idol’s development actively. However, as virtual idols became more popular, companies began adopting the PGC model, relying on advanced technology like motion capture and real-time rendering. Unfortunately, the PGC approach is resource-intensive, leading to high costs, slow content creation, and restricted creativity.

Today, AI and Web3 technologies offer a solution. By shifting focus back to UGC, they empower users to create and share content freely, fostering a more inclusive and open virtual idol ecosystem. This shift marks a turning point in the fan economy, where users are no longer just passive consumers but active contributors to idol growth.

MEET48: A New Frontier in the Virtual Idol Industry

One company that embodies this transition is MEET48, which combines cutting-edge AI and Web3 technologies with user-driven content. MEET48 is an extension of the highly successful SNH48 girl group, known for its powerful fan culture and the annual election, which generated an impressive 110 million RMB.

MEET48’s model offers fans an immersive experience, allowing them to participate in the growth of virtual idols, fostering a cohesive fan culture that yields high returns on minimal investment. By integrating AI tools and a MaaS (Metaverse as a Service) platform, MEET48 empowers users to easily create music, dance, and even virtual idols from photos, breaking the barriers of traditional content creation.

AI + UGC: A Game Changer for Virtual Idol Growth

AI-generated content is essential for overcoming virtual idols’ challenges, such as inconsistent content quality and high production costs. MEET48 is at the forefront of this movement, utilizing a self-developed multimodal large model trained on 500TB of data — nearly 1,000 times more than GPT-3. This vast data resource enables MEET48 to offer superior AI tools and MaaS editors, allowing users to create high-quality content with ease.

The company’s innovative approach includes the creation of IdolGPT and SRMBuilder, tools that let users generate virtual idols and even create songs and dance routines through text input. With over 24,000 UGC videos uploaded and more than 10 million views, MEET48’s fan-driven ecosystem is thriving, allowing fans to become ‘idol creators’ and realize their dreams in the MEET48 metaverse.

The Role of Web3 in Mass Adoption

Web3 technology is seen as the key to mass adoption, but many protocols hit a growth ceiling of around 100,000 users. MEET48, leveraging SNH48’s massive 30 million-strong fan base, is uniquely positioned to break through this barrier. With the potential to convert even 1% of their fan base into active Web3 users, MEET48 could easily dominate the market.

By offering a Web3 platform with a transparent, on-chain voting system, fans can earn points and exchange them for NFT voting tickets, ensuring transparency and fairness in idol rankings. This revolutionary approach to voting has already garnered over 3 million registered users for the ‘2024 GIPR2 voting event, cementing MEET48’s position as a leader in Web3 innovation.

A Glimpse Into MEET48’s Future

MEET48’s ambitions don’t stop there. In 2025, the company plans to integrate SNH48 idols into its ecosystem and host a global idol voting event in Hong Kong. This event will bring together both virtual and real idols, blending the lines between the digital and physical worlds. The company’s global expansion is already underway, with offices established in Japan and partnerships formed with key industry players.

As MEET48 continues to sponsor high-profile events like SNH48’s Tokyo tour and the upcoming Token2049 event in Singapore, it solidifies its role as a pioneer in both the virtual idol industry and the Web3 ecosystem.


MEET48 is at the forefront of a new era in entertainment, where Web3, AI, and UGC converge to disrupt traditional models and create new opportunities for fan engagement. By empowering users to create their virtual idols and participate in a transparent, blockchain-based voting system, MEET48 is poised to lead the mass adoption of Web3 technology. The future of the fan economy is bright, and MEET48 is leading the charge.

For more information, visit MEET48’s official website, or join the conversation on Twitter (X), Telegram, and Discord.

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