Decentraland will have the MegaCube experience next May 6th

Decentraland confirmed the launch of MegaCube, a collaborative multiplayer experience that offers various rewards to its users through its website.

What is the MegaCube?

The MegaCube is a gigantic cube composed of smaller cubes, which you have to mine one by one, click by click, layer by layer, until you reach the core.

A long-lasting collaborative experience between the citizens of Decentraland to discover what is inside the cube.

Decentraland’s metaverse is one of the most popular at present, with thousands of daily active users. In this virtual space a great number of events have had their space, which have been very successful.

The start date of the event is scheduled for Friday, May 6 and its conclusion will take place once the Mega Cube is completed.

This project has been developed by the creative studio called Polygonal Mind, which has experience in the development of games and art galleries within Decentraland.

To participate in this event is really simple, you just have to log in Decentraland with your wallet previously linked and click on the following link.

It is worth noting that this would be the second season of MegaCube, where in the first one more than 2,400 users participated and 452 NFT were distributed.

What will MegaCube offer in Decentraland?

This experience defines itself as the biggest in the metaverse and the reason is the way in which this event will be developed.

In a very general way, MegaCube is a big cube composed of a series of smaller pieces, in which each user, inside Decentraland, can extract them by clicking on them.

The main idea is to reduce the layers one by one, seeking to reach the core and discover the contents of the cube.

How does MegaCube work?

To extract the cubes it is only necessary to click on them, where new layers will appear.

This process of extracting pieces is called mining, where 100 layers need to be mined to reach the core.

During the mining process, users can obtain various rewards, which have not been published to date, it is only known that they will be sponsored and some will be for the entire community.

Shortly before reaching the core, in the last layer, there are a series of NFTs tokens with various levels of rarity.

The prize inside the core can only be claimed by a Decentraland user, which makes the competition more interesting.

Those players looking to maximize their cube mining can purchase tools to help them or level up, which will allow them to work more efficiently.

To close the event, MegaCube and Decentraland will offer a party inside the metaverse, where there will be live music, some mini-games and a visit to the sponsors’ virtual spaces.


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