LinkedIn, Gamified: Calyptus Revolutionizes Web3 Recruitment with Gamified Job Hunting

LinkedIn, Gamified: Calyptus Revolutionizes Web3 Recruitment with Gamified Job Hunting

The job market is evolving rapidly, and with the rise of Web3 technologies, companies are now exploring more innovative ways to find top talent. Among the frontrunners is Calyptus, a London-based platform that is redefining how job seekers approach their hunt, leveraging the power of blockchain, AI, and gamification. The platform offers a unique points-based system designed to make the process more engaging and transparent for both job seekers and employers.

This article explores how Calyptus is transforming the Web3 recruitment landscape and how job seekers can utilize this new system to accelerate their job-hunting success.

What is Calyptus and How Does It Work?

Calyptus is a platform tailored for Web3 job seekers, aiming to streamline and enhance the job search process. Through its unique approach, Calyptus incentivizes users to complete various tasks and connect valuable data streams, earning points that boost their visibility with employers. The idea behind this system is simple: the more effort job seekers put into verifying their skills and completing their profiles, the more points they earn, improving their chances of getting noticed by top employers in the Web3 space.

Job seekers can accumulate points by performing several tasks on the platform. These include:

  • Registering on Calyptus
  • Completing their job seeker profile
  • Taking technical and non-technical assessments
  • Connecting work-related data streams like GitHub, Upwork, or social media profiles
  • Verifying skills and work experiences through references
  • Participating in milestone achievements such as their first job application, completing an interview, or getting hired
  • Engaging in social actions, such as joining Calyptus’ Discord channel or connecting a wallet

By completing these tasks, candidates not only increase their visibility but also improve their reputation within the Calyptus ecosystem, boosting their chances of landing interviews and ultimately, securing employment.

The Power of Gamified Job Hunting

Gamification, the process of applying game-like elements to non-game scenarios, has emerged as a powerful tool across various industries. Calyptus is now bringing this approach to Web3 recruitment. By turning the job search into a points-based system, Calyptus creates a more engaging and rewarding experience for job seekers. This system introduces a level of competition among candidates while offering real rewards for their efforts.

Points earned by job seekers are displayed on their personal dashboards and public profiles, showcasing a clear list of activities that contributed to their score. Moreover, candidates can track their progress and discover new opportunities to earn points. The best performers are ranked on the Calyptus Leaderboard, which offers significant perks such as interview preparation sessions, career coaching, and even tickets to Web3 events.

The leaderboard not only adds an element of fun and competition but also gives employers deeper insights into the dedication and skills of job seekers. Those ranked highest on the leaderboard gain better visibility, enhancing their chances of being shortlisted for interviews.

Benefits for Job Seekers

Calyptus offers several distinct advantages for job seekers in the Web3 sector:

  1. Enhanced Visibility: The more points candidates earn, the higher they rank in employer searches. This improves their chances of being noticed by potential employers.
  2. Faster Hiring Process: By providing employers with a comprehensive view of a candidate’s skills and experiences upfront, Calyptus accelerates the recruitment process by four times compared to traditional platforms.
  3. Competitive Edge: The platform rewards users for their efforts, giving them tangible incentives to build out their profiles and verify their skills. This not only sets them apart from other job seekers but also showcases their commitment to the job search process.
  4. Recognition and Rewards: Job seekers who actively engage with the platform can earn rewards such as interview prep sessions, career coaching, and exclusive access to Web3 events.

How Employers Benefit from Calyptus

For employers, Calyptus simplifies and enhances the recruitment process. By integrating AI and blockchain technologies, the platform provides deeper insights into candidates’ abilities and credentials. This enables employers to make faster and more informed decisions during the hiring process. Additionally, the gamification aspect encourages job seekers to fully verify their skills, providing companies with 100% verifiable data upfront.

Calyptus has already proven its value to a growing client base. Companies such as Aave, Optimism, Aragon, and Balancer have all leveraged the platform to significantly speed up their hiring processes, reducing recruitment costs by up to 66%. The platform’s ability to streamline hiring while offering more transparency and accuracy has made it a favorite among Web3 companies looking to expand their teams efficiently.

The Future of Web3 Hiring

Dan Jones, Co-Founder and CEO of Calyptus emphasizes that “Gamification is the future of hiring.” The Web3 space, in particular, is fast-paced and highly competitive, requiring innovative solutions to attract the best talent. By introducing gamification to job hunting, Calyptus is making the process more enjoyable for job seekers and creating more trust between candidates and employers.

As companies struggle with longer hiring times despite the abundance of talent solutions on the market, Calyptus offers a refreshing approach. Its points-based system, backed by blockchain and AI technologies, helps employers identify top candidates more efficiently, leading to faster hiring decisions and better employee fit.

About Calyptus

Calyptus is a London-based platform that combines gamification, blockchain technology, and AI to revolutionize the Web3 recruitment process. By incentivizing job seekers to complete their profiles and verify their skills, Calyptus helps to create a transparent and rewarding job search experience. With a growing user base of over 150,000 followers across Discord, LinkedIn, and X, Calyptus has become a leading player in the Web3 recruitment space.

Calyptus’ innovative platform has already attracted the attention of top companies in the Web3 space and has significantly reduced hiring times and associated costs. As the platform continues to grow, it will become the go-to solution for Web3 job seekers and employers.


Calyptus is at the forefront of transforming Web3 recruitment through its gamified job-hunting approach. By offering incentives for job seekers to verify their skills and experiences, the platform creates a more engaging and rewarding job search experience. With faster hiring times, improved candidate visibility, and a competitive leaderboard system, Calyptus is helping to shape the future of hiring in the Web3 space. Whether you’re a job seeker or an employer, the platform’s combination of blockchain, AI, and gamification offers an exciting new way to connect talent with opportunities in the ever-expanding Web3 world.


  1. What is Calyptus? Calyptus is a Web3 job-hunting platform that uses gamification, AI, and blockchain technology to help job seekers showcase their skills and increase their visibility with potential employers.
  2. How does the points-based system work? Job seekers earn points by completing tasks such as verifying skills, connecting data streams (like Github and Upwork), and completing assessments. These points increase visibility and reputation on the platform.
  3. What tasks can job seekers complete to earn points? Points can be earned by registering, completing profiles, taking technical and non-technical assessments, verifying work experience, and participating in social actions like joining Calyptus’ Discord.
  4. How does the Calyptus leaderboard work? The leaderboard ranks job seekers based on the points they’ve earned. High-ranking candidates gain increased visibility with employers and access to special perks such as interview prep and career coaching.
  5. How does Calyptus help employers? Calyptus provides employers with deeper insights into candidates through a combination of blockchain and AI, reducing hiring times by up to 4X and providing more accurate data on potential hires.
  6. What companies use Calyptus? Companies like Aave, Optimism, Aragon, and Balancer have used Calyptus to streamline their hiring processes and reduce costs by up to 66%.
  7. How does gamification improve the job search process? Gamification makes the job search more engaging by rewarding job seekers for completing tasks and showcasing their skills, which improves their chances of being noticed by employers.
  8. What is the advantage of using blockchain in recruitment? Blockchain ensures that all data on Calyptus is verifiable, making the recruitment process more transparent and trustworthy for both job seekers and employers.

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